Alternatively, interested people may mail me their queries relating to issues of national/regional/humanitarian/world interest at dennis.d3.menace AT gmail DOT com and I would try my best to answer/talk about them according to my knowledge and capability...
Also, if you agree with me, kindly feel free to pester the people whose comments/queries I reply to, in case you find their info...
Here is the first of such posts....
About Indian media showing "sensitive" data (and India getting new weapons..)
I commented to this post here.. Dunno if the website actually dared to publish it.. ;-)
Posted by: KarachiKid (
Pakistan | December 26, 2008 | 04:20 IST
Let us Pakistan make it clear to you Indians specialy fanatic terrorist HINDUS that India will never have the courage or capacity to make a mistake by taking any action against PAKISTAN. Now 1971 IS History that time PAKISTAN had to defend two borders 1000 miles apart. which is imposible for any country in the world to do it. look at the example of USA in Afghanistan and Iraq. they can not stand the ground against limited people defending their country,in Pakistan's case Pakistan stood it ground the face the 5 time bigger country. Now the sitvauation is diffren. Pakistan has one border to defend and ratio of Armed forces is not very significant. If iNdia ever dare to make its last mistake we will beat you so much untill COWS come home. Oopps sorry untill your GAOW MATA come home.Posted by: Rahul (
Delhi | December 25, 2008 | 21:24 IST
Atleast,use some brain before posting these articles.Why do you want our enemies to get an update of whatever our security forces is doing.Just because of dumbheads like you,the terrorists in Mumbai got an upper hand.Atleast sometimes, keep the interests of the country before selfish interests.To the person above me... No! Not really... Do you really think that the "Paki" intelligence is THAT dumb...??!! (We know they're not..)
Stuff like this is out in the "open" much before the media gets a whiff of it..(at least to the intelligence community..). Yes! Showing "Live" coverage of an ongoing assault is "unforgivable damage" for which media MUST be held accountable.. (and possibly, PUNISHED???!!)
To that IDIOT Pakistani above the gentleman I spoke to above,
"Listen you $0|\|0F@B!T(# clown from Karachi!!!
Better go and read - genuinely..not like your goverment's efforts to "counter terrorism"..
Find out WHO really is "intolerant"... Kindly read the history of India.. about the people slaughtered, temples razed and women raped, under nearly every "benevolent" Muslim ruler for being simply..Well! Hindus!!!
It is THIS country that muslims came to.. and CONVERTED.. (who knows.. maybe your ancestors were Hindus too..!!)
"Pakistan" (and even "Afghanistan", "Bangladesh") as such never existed... It was created from what once was India...
In India never have mosques been destroyed... (except for the lone, much-abused Baburi Masjid issue..) Muslims live in India like others do... They work in Government offices, Software companies, serve in the Armed forces, given "reservation".. (despite being 35% of India's population.... I don't get the dirty Indian politics!)
But what about the condition of Hindus, Christians and other communities (if any still survive there..) in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh.... What about the Buddha statues in Bamiyan...????!!!!!!!!
Do Hindus / Sikhs / Christians serve in Pakistani /Afghani/ Bangladeshi Armed forces???!!!!
In fact, Bangladeshi Muslims come for refuge into India and try to oust the native Assamese Hindus and Christians from the very land which belonged to them and where they got shelter... Dirty Indian politicians again!!! (please read the last parts of this post for more information...)
Hinduism doesn't have a word like the much-maligned "Jihad"... a term that has been so badly misused by @$$#0le$ like you causing much shame to (your) religion...
The word "Hinduism" doesn't, in fact, have an existence as such... the word is "Sanaatan Dharma - the Ancient Religion.."
Hindus never called people coming into India from Pakistan as "Muhajirs"..
Why don't you fools concentrate your energies on the growth of your country instead of building terror modules and glorifying terms like "Jihad" and "Shahadat"..??!!!!
IDIOTS! Your country is "starving"... Go and work for the upliftment of your country... feed your poor with the money you get as aids instead of buying weapons with it.."
Your army and your mullahs have you virtually enslaved... Break Free!!!! DO JIHAD AGAINST POVERTY, IGNORANCE....
Nobody is so bloodthirsty for your @$$e$...
India has NEVER attacked you first other than in 1971 (what do you expect when 1 crore people come to hide into your country fearing mass-rape and genocide by "West Pakistani" soldiers...???)
Pakistan on the other hand, attacked India in 1947, 1965, 1971 (OK! This time both did..), 1999, 2001, 2008...
India is a land of Peace and Cultural Diversity..... you buffoons!!!!!!!
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